Ooooo…another graduate!! I’m gonna miss my babies!!! 🙂 It was a beautifully perfect day to shoot this entire session outside. After the monsoon rains we received, it was a welcome change to be out and about again! Alex certainly thought so, too. As soon as we put him down, he was stuffing whatever was closest into his mouth–his hands, rocks,…
It’s hard to believe that a mere six months ago we were all here…oh, how so much can change and grow with each passing day. The birth of Miss Zaria was an absolute joy to photograph then and, now, capturing her unique smiles, the way her face lights up when she sees that daddy’s going to help her ‘fly’ or…
Whelp, it’s that time of year again! I’m packing up my bags and heading to the UP for my annual summer trip with my boys! I’m bringing my camera this time {good grief, I think photographers take way less photos of their own lives…ridiculous!}, so will bring back some fun non-work goodies for posting. Extremely excited to be offline and…
These two…I tell ya. 😉 Now I get cute little glimpses of them all the time, being that we have recently become neighbors! Getting to play with them every three months for the past year has been such a treat. Due to a couple rounds of the sickness coupled with uncooperative schedules, these two got in a little late for…