Awwww…babies!! Well, it seems like it was just a short time ago that this little guy was a teeny, tiny little guy…growing is inevitable, I suppose! His curious stare broke into a full-faced grin as soon as we shifted gears and went from being outside into his cowboy-themed room!! Oh, and what a cake smash…hilarious…
Eleanor may be the happiest baby I have ever met–she was so smiley and excited the entire shoot! Oh, to see the world through that child’s eyes… One of the biggest perks of being an on-location photographer is that I get to capture the baby in their complete environment, utilizing their toys, blankets, books, {mom’s heels!}, cribs, changing tables, dressers,…
A year ago today, I was exhilarated and exhausted after an interesting night of meeting you. Early by exactly four weeks, in a snow storm with a very sick mom and dad, you decided it was time. I could tell right away that you were going to be a smart, thoughtful one as you held off being born until the…
What a glorious day! The sun is shining, the dog is lazing in the bright window light, and it’s 9am and I’ve already been up for a couple hours–hecks yes! As always, this weekend flew by–lots of family time with both sides, a beautiful Easter service followed by too much food and many good laughs. We were even able to…
Rainy days make for the BEST production days!! 🙂 And what better way to spend a rainy day than with a cup of coffee, a loving pup at my feet, editing to my hearts content…fabulous! Yeah…these were taken a few weeks before Christmas! 🙂 His little hats are so cute!!