little ones

Cole :: 9 months!

little ones, sweet baby program March 19, 2012 No Comments

We just had to take these outside, this ridiculous ‘winter’ weather has given us pretty much no choice. ‘Remember? That was the year you could be outside in January and be comfortable in a long sleeve shirt! No joke!’ What a cutie–those baby blues and that smile…Cole is such a happy baby and now that he’s pulling himself up and…


Madilynn Celeste

little ones March 14, 2012 2 Comments

When I photographed momma Christina’s baby belly, we joked about how she was more of a tomboy who really didn’t care for the color pink and would most likely dress wee baby girl in basically any other color. Imagine my delightful {laughing} surprise when I  arrived at their house only to fine pink bows, pink and white striped onesies, pink…


Baby Bennett

bigger little ones, family love, little ones March 13, 2012 1 Comment

Perhaps the session was planned to showcase little Bennett being the newest member of the family and all, but little Maggie was…quite the show-stealer. 😉 Aren’t these shirts the cutest! Hope found them at Heather Roger’s site on Etsy–they can be custom made for all occasions. Very cool!!


Aubrey :: 3 month

bigger little ones, little ones, sweet baby program March 12, 2012 No Comments

Inevitable. I’m sick. {Again}. And, no, it’s not just a case of the Monday’s. 😉 Perhaps having too much outside time with the pups this weekend and all that glorious fresh air brought the usual spring cold a bit earlier than normal…gotta embrace a rainy day with sore throat and aching bones…makes those sunny day seem just that much nicer!…
