little ones

Joey :: 3 months!!

little ones, sweet baby program March 8, 2012 2 Comments

I love these. Like, all of them. Even though Joey wasn’t too thrilled about his time in front of the camera, we were able to pull off some pretty sweet photographs {if I do say so myself!}. I really dig his first-bath-in-the-kitchen-sink sequence and it got my mind turning to some new ideas…perhaps more on that later. 😉 For now,…


Ellie :: 6 months

little ones, sweet baby program March 7, 2012 1 Comment

Yesterday, I went a little crazy at The Container Store. If you’ve never been…well, it’s a store full of containers. In an effort to unpack the house and keep things tidy and organized from the get-go, clear containers are a must. This girl+drawers=much, many junk. It’s incredible how fast space gets monopolized by excess batteries, rubber bands and miscellaneous receipts…


obsess much?

Just me., little ones February 28, 2012 3 Comments

It hits me without any warning. Which, when you think about it, is really quite rude. A long plane ride, a car trip, a snowy/rainy evening {finally!}, or maybe even an extra seven minutes of unscheduled time {wait…say, what!?} and I find myself absentmindedly rumaging for the nearest book and riffling through a couple pages. Annnddddd…by a couple pages…I mean,…
