So. Super.Duper. Adorable. Aaaannnndddddd…he nearly slept through the entire shoot, making it ridiculously easy for me to position and move him to my heart’s content! Oooo, how cute are his little toes? Like the brown knit basket? I got mine from here! 🙂 Amy makes pretty much anything {cough, cough Christmas gifts…cough} …and I love this yellow blanket and am…
Lexi is a senior this year–whoop, whoop for all my seniors!! She also wanted some photos with her son, Liam, who is oh-so-cute-with-those-big-brown-eyes!!!! It was a windy day, as too many Minnesota days were this fall, but we made the best of it and set out for some fall colors, sunshine and smiles.
I don’t know what I’m going to do when I don’t get to see these guys every three months!!! They are one of my favorites to photograph: Molly has the cutest outfits picked out, Brent is obviously head-over-heels for his ladies, Miss Kenley is a dream baby and Jersey rocks my socks off. 6-month sessions are always a bit more…