Hello and welcome to Sneak Peek Week! (I hope you read that in the ‘Hello and welcome to Movie Phone’ voice, cause that’s totally how I wrote it.) I will post one photo/post everyday this week–sometimes more than once a day!!-of some of my recent sessions for a little snippet of what I’ve been working on. Why just peeks? Psshhtt…why…
How ’bout kicking off the weekend with more beautiful babes!!! Nora was full of smiles and deep stares and her big sister Lyla was so dotting and cute…And check out that hair…It must be something in the water, cause nearly all my recent babies have had loads of hair…and are so super cute, to boot! OOoo–can’t wait to meet up…
I have really had some beautiful babies this summer (with my nephews and niece in the mix there, too!) and little Elenora is no exception. I met her at just the right time as she slept like a rock for the first 20 minutes of the shoot–perfecto!! And just look at all that hair!!! 🙂
Oh, babies baby! I’m not sure if it’s soley timing or what, but I have had a bunch of baby sessions lately! They’re all so adorable and sweet and each one so different even though they’re still so small…amazing. Baby Hendrik was such a dream…beautiful, beautiful babies…
Hushed voices mixed anxiously with urgent, rubbed-padded footsteps. NCIS played low on the ancient Zenith television in the corner. The lights were dimmed, the mood was mellow with excited anticipation hanging heavy in the air. True to his playful disposition, he tried to keep the spirit light by comparing his scraped up knee to her impending contractions, playing with the…