little ones

::Levi Thomas::

bigger little ones, little ones March 7, 2011 1 Comment

What a doll. It’s been serious baby-days over here, so what better to post on this dreary winter day then some cute little footies (yeah, I can say footies if I want to) and a bouncing baby boy! Big sister Greta was such a good helper! 😉 I created the canvas this past summer before Levi was part of the…


Adventures in…house-sitting

Adventures, Just me., little ones, preggers February 22, 2011 9 Comments

I love to house-sit. Pet-sit. Kid-sit…which oddly enough, no matter the age of the child, is called babysitting, but that’s neither here nor there. Truth is, house-sitting is right up there with the first ice cream cone of the summer or finding that perfect pair of shoes, on sale, 90% off. House-sitting is, essentially, trying on someone else’s life for…


Urijah and Ashlynn

bigger little ones, little ones January 7, 2011 1 Comment

This is the second time I’ve gotten to photograph Urijah and Ashlynn and, I have to admit, they are two adorable kids. Honestly. Between his beautiful brown eyes and her serious expressions…priceless! Look how little they both were the first time. Now she’s sitting up and he’s talking!!! Their grandpa was just elected to office, so we did a few…


Baby Harry

little ones December 19, 2010 1 Comment

Oh, where have I been?! Here’s a little nugget of precious to get your week started out right… When I showed up at baby Harry’s house, I was instantly in love. Not only is he the cutest baby alive (as proclaimed by his proud and loving grandmother) but his house is amazing. We ventured room to room and captured some…
