Let’s all just pretend that the grass is still green and that outside time is still a thing without searching for that missing mitten or extra layer. Okay, maybe it’s not that chilly outside yet, but it doesn’t mean this bare-chested little bebe {which, for the record, will forever be pronounced in my head a la Miora Rose. Don’t know…
Little baby lips and wrinkled skin. Excited big sister squeals of joy and the soft pitter-patter of toddler feet running along the carpeted hallways. Hushed, calm whispers of lullabys and sweet nothings. Murmurs of adoration over the freshest bundle of love in its purest form.
Annnnnddddd….just like that, I think we’ve caught the blog up to 2020!! Hooray! Just in time to roll out the new year and everything {insert palm/forehead slap here}. Regardless, we did this. I dug out of the trenches and you came along for the ride. Thanks for sticking around and being a loyal hanger-outer. I cherish you. Little Baby Mav…
This was a beautiful afternoon and I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it *ahem* was not. 😉 Ahhhhh, getting to the light of the end of the loonnngggest blog due I’ve ever made myself! Sweet little pigtails and giggling sisters. A darling baby, wrapped up snug. Three siblings; holding hands, sharing kisses, creating memories and freezing time.
Ahhhh!!!! And another favorite little guy!!! Slash, favorite family!!! All the exclamation points; what a fun find in the depths of my blog que! Some of the best parts about the session are the little details within the images. The chewed up crib rail from the previous occupancy of his brothers and sister, the heirloom green chair that was once…