A little bit of love over here for my cousin and his precious little baby girl. Miss Paisley was a tiny little dream for her newborn session. All bright eyes and the smallest, delicate features. And two parents so utterly in love with her. All the good things.
It’s bebe Violet’s birthday TODAY and it could not go without a celebratory shout-out! Happy day of birth to this crazy strong-willed, independent little spit-fire of awesome. Cannot wait to see where life takes you…
Too soon to talk about Christmas? I didn’t think so. I believe I know more than a handful of people who are already beginning the countdown. Plus, I heard Hallmark is coming out with something like 40 new Christmas movies, so…at least there will be something to listen to whilst we all other activities are canceled or distanced or whatnot…
FALL!!! Bring on the pumpkins and flannel and cool breezes and crisp nights…I am READY for it all!!! Plus, I mean, how cute are these two?!?!
Still rollin’ with those oldie but goodies over here! Ahhhh!!! Fall families are so fun and sweet!!!