I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t been the greatest about keeping this ‘ole thing updated. Blogging used to be a way for me to reach that creative threshold while sharing images of clients, life and travels. Somewhere along the way, it morphed more into a chore than a freeing craft…let’s see what we can do to change that this year.
In efforts to become less attached to technology and make more time available to do real life, I’m taking a break from social media for the month of January. Day six and it’s already feeling freeing. What a huge time suck!
A few years ago, I read Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins at the recommendation of my father-in-law. Side bar :: It was amazing; I highly recommend it if you’re into real stories of personal development and don’t mind profanity. Dude really knows his way around the f-bomb. Anywho, this guy is all about staying in your own lane and not letting anyone trip you up or tell you how it’s done. Do you know how many followers he has on Instagram? Hundreds of thousands. Do you know how many people he follows back? Zero. How badass is that?
So, here’s to making this year more about me. Doing what I want to do, getting my projects done {hellooooo, studio! I’m talking about YOU!}, going where I want to go. Doing life according to me.
Sounds selfish? Meh. I’m here for it. Join me, yes?
Here’s to a new year. Hopefully, a better year. A year of accomplishing, crushing goals, laughing and living more.
Happy 2022!