So…where, exactly, did the summer go?

I spent the last few weeks driving here, flying there, shooting here, talking shop there, making plans, sitting lakeside and thoroughly enjoying life…only to come back to the office to find out it’s the end of September. Hurumph. Wouldn’t it be something if you could go away for a while, collect your thoughts, hang out on an beach-side tire swing, laze about for a while and then come home with not even an hour passing in your non-presence. How amazing would that be?

I cannot wait for time travel. Cannot. Wait.

The Canadian ranch wedding that I got to assist four weekends ago was amazing. The following weekends downtown Seattle nuptials of a couple of my favorites was, obviously, a favorite of the summer. Spending time with family in Oregon was much necessary. Snowmobile grass drags mid-state with some great people was an interestingly awesome change of pace. Hanging out with girlfriends last weekend at a rustic northern Minnesota cabin was the cherry on the top of my travel sundae. True story.

Be that as it may, my trips are all over {as one could tell by a sweeping glance of our house. Yikes.} and the aftermath of emails, edits, post office runs, laundry {oh, the laundry!!!} all patiently waited for my return. How thoughtful of chores to wait for you, eh. Nice little dudes.


Alas, it’s the end of September and you know what’s right around the corner…FALL!!!!

I’m nearly booked for September and still have a couple options left for October, so check out your calendar and contact me as soon as you can to schedule your annual family photos!! It’s time for high school seniors, too! And getting your little ones photographed before they grow out of that toothy-grin stage…let’s face it; it’s always time to schedule your session!! Dates are going quickly, so talk to me sooner than later!

See you soon!!

{Image by Krissy McCabe Photography while I was assisting on a beautiful Canadian ranch wedding}
