Well, it’s Tuesday already–and my first full day of being 29. The earth didn’t shift off its axis and there weren’t any tragic, life-changing events as I slid awesomely into the world of my last 20th year. To be quite honest, I’m not worried one bit about turning 30 {40, on the other hand, will most likely be a completely different scenario}. I like where I am in my self, life and business so I suppose that makes things a titch more simple!

Since the two-nine landed on a Monday and everyone and their brother was working, I decided to take myself out for a date. It was perfection! I got my favorite coffee {Blue Monday!}, a pedicure, ate on the rooftop patio at Stella’s, perused the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, and took my time poking around Hunt and Gather {leeeuuurrvvvvvveeee that place!} for a while. I came home to a fabulous cocktail made by the fellow and we even got to enjoy the beautiful evening swinging on the hammock for a bit while be serenaded by my birthday voice-mails {which were beyond awesome}!! We wound up the night with a deluxe BLT meal with our best friends, C & P…ummm, may I please mention that not only did the Mr. plan and make the entire meal, but he also made us an appetizer and cleaned up everything, too!! Winner!! I was so pumped to be able to scrounge up enough dry wood for a fire to cap off the beautiful-weather day…it was most definitely a most happy birthday to me!


I had intended to write a post yesterday, but decided instead to spend the day offline {after answering any emergent messages, that is!}. It was fabulous. As I ground my Highlander Grogg this morning, I thought back on the past 12 months. It’s been a fun, intense, happy, full, fast-moving, traveling kind of year. If the year of 27 was dreams realized, 28 would have to be a toss up between lessons learned and lessons in how not to accomplish things. {Hey, married life was more fun than I anticipated!?}. After I poured my coffee into my favorite mug and padded toward the office, I came to the conclusion that this particular birthday post would not be about looking back, but rather anticipating what’s ahead. I’ve been following quite a few bloggers lately and saw that Elizabeth had started a birthday to-do list a few years ago; which was inspired by another blogger I follow, Elsie. If you’re looking for some interesting reading, DIYs, funky outfits and awesome eye candy, please check these ladies out–they’re fabulous!

Anywho, I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon with a list of my own in hopes of actually crossing off all the items before the big 3-0 rolls around. I’ve heard that if you put a goal out in public, you may be more inclined to reach it since all these people are like, ‘dude, finish something’ and like such as. So…here goes nothing!!

My 29 before 30

1. <gulp> Go skydiving

2. Start my own personal blog

3. Complete the dining room project

4. Start Project Life about out married life

5. Learn how to use my Mamiya 645

6. Shoot an entire session on film

7. Form a somewhat regular exercise routine

8. Read more

9. Complete the organization and set up of my office

10. Throw a themed party

11. Plan and execute a ‘for fun’ photo shoot

12. Pay off school loans!!

13. Have an excellent sleep-over with all the nieces and nephews over 1 😉

14. Can and give away a bunch of my garden produce

15. Travel to someplace new

16. Shoot a same-love wedding

17. Create and order our own wedding album

18. Ride in a hot air balloon

19. Go camping at least once

20. Volunteer…for something

21. Participate in Step Out : Walk to Stop Diabetes {October 26, Golden Valley}

22. Send more letters via postal mail

23. Visit the remaining states I have yet to touch ground in

24. Learn a new craft/skill

25. Finish one of the five quilts I have started

26. Make a video post

27. Be published in a print magazine

28. Spend one day a week completely unplugged

29. Pay it forward…some way, some how…

I’ll post proof photos when an item is completed; I’m so excited to start on this project!!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, calls, Facebook posts and emails–what a fabulous day it was and I’m excited to see what the future holds for me!!!
