I’m sad.

It’s my last day of vacation.

The leftovers have been taken care of, the sheets are in the wash, the garbage’s taken out and the last of the visitors have left and gone home. Technically, my flight home doesn’t take off until tomorrow, but the last day of vacation is always the night before. It was so great to see my cousins and friends out on the west coast, I just hate leaving…but I guess that’s what makes coming back just that much sweeter.

And, oh, what a vacation it was! As kids, my brother, sister and I were lucky enough to be tight with our cousins. So tight, in fact, that all who were potty-trained would stay for a few nights at my grandparent’s place and would gather back with our own families on the 4th of July. This wasn’t any small feat for my Nana and Papa considering at times there were over 20 kids between the ages of 5 and 22 running crazy around their property. It was a truly amazing experience and I can’t even begin to recall all the fantastic memories, but I bask in the knowledge of the connections that were made and the relationships that were cemented during those precious days.

On the bright side, I will be returning in a year to photograph a wedding!!! Whoop, whoop!!

I have a busy week ahead, like that’s new, right?! Ah…getting back to real life…

For now, here’s a small piece of our holiday fun.
