The point of my travels last week was a workshop with Rita of Bitsy Baby Photography. I found Rita’s business over an online forum and followed her for a few months before reaching out to discuss a workshop. When I approached her, she was openly sweet and knowledgeable and I knew that this would be a fantastic experience for me. Bitsy Baby specializes in maternity and baby’s first year; which is the direction that my business model is headed. But more on that later. 😉

The workshop was two full days of 1-on-1 time. I asked questions, took notes, experienced four sessions in Bitsy Baby style and took away some great tips and examples. Here are a few of my shots over the two-day course. These babies were all volunteers–Rita put up a Facebook post the day before to get them! Everyone in the 3-hour radius of Annapolis wants Rita to photograph their baby {Yes. Three. Hour. Radius. She’s simply that awesome.} and the moms, grandmothers and siblings who accompanied these little cuties were all very patient, friendly and fun to work with!

First up was sweet little Makenna for a 6-month session. It was interesting to watch someone else shoot and interact with the clients and babies…I picked up some great ideas for soothing babies of all ages!

Then came little Max for his 3-month session. What a little peanut! Big brother, Caleb, was completely smitten with him {it was so cute to watch them interact!}.

Then little Miss Kaiya for her newborn session–she was only six days old! I think this was my most favorite of the four sessions as I took the most away from it in terms of posing, soothing, wrapping and just handling the baby. Very cool.

And, last but not least!, energetic Arabella. She had recently started standing on her own and was a crawling machine; kept us all on our toes!!

I really had such a great time learning and playing with Rita and her clients. I think that’s what I like most about workshops, conferences and classes; just getting the perspective of someone else whom you admire and would usually only get to watch from afar. I went to the Fer Shop in April of 2012 and visited California for the first time in 2010 for the Lyon Workshop. I have another workshop in the Twin Cities this fall that I cannot be more thrilled about…Oh, how I so very much love my job.
