little ones

Baby Jack!

bigger little ones, family love, little ones September 27, 2023 No Comments

That fell swoop of a line curve into a hook, followed by the Cathy-favored phrase of ‘-ack’ gets me every time. Immediately and subconsciously, my inner jazz-hands are triggered, poised and ready as the incarnate spirit of Jack MacFarlands’ classic 5 seconds of enthusiasm enters my being and I flip up my hands to frame my face in an utterly…


Cavics :: Family

family love, little ones June 28, 2022 No Comments

This day was humid. As in — I could not take the camera inside then outside as it would immediately fog up — kind of humid. And it rained on and off during our session. And then we wrapped about seven seconds before it absolutely down poured. And…as all times when I get to hang out with my best friends…
