I awoke this morning with a completely different outlook on how this day was going to progress. See, when I went to bed last night, I was planning on what kind of breakfast I should be making with my nearly-2-year-old nephew {whole wheat pancakes with berry sauce, in case you were wondering} as I was going to be playing with him for the day. We were going to go see great-grandma and maybe even do a little fabric shopping {seriously, this kid is awesome. We can do anything and he’s content. Love. Him!}. However…Earth made different plans.

Off to the window, he flew like a flash. Tore open the shutter and threw up the sash! Were the words that listlessly ran through my head this morning as Mr. Nick tried to explain this late-spring snowfall to me through wild gestures and pointing out the window, all the while brushing his teeth. As I sluggishly sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I unexcitedly mumbled incoherently about winter wonderland or something and rolled back over. I swear I felt him roll his eyes, smile and shrug his shoulders {I’m so not a morning person}, he kissed me goodbye and left for work. Mildly irritated that I had at least 13 more minutes of blissful slumber before my nephew came over, my phone buzzed with a text…and then a phone call. My brother’s work lost power due to the storm and so a babysitter was no longer needed. He laughed when I {must have} sounded confused about losing power and told me to put my eyes on and look outside. And that’s when I saw our glorious snowfall that the Mr. was talking about. {Seriously blind without my specs.}

I was working on prepping the garden two days ago…not so much anymore…

Hey–at least it’s pretty! Our house…!

Anywho, last Saturday my family got together to celebrate my Dad’s birthday. It was sunny and gorgeous, so we snuck in a few maternity pics of Raes. Isn’t she looking beautiful!?!

Seems hard to believe that I have a mild sunburn from last weekend’s Saturday Funday adventures in Dad’s honor. Yeah, yeah, how redneck can we get…I know. And don’t care. 😉 Our family has nearly no limits on what we’ll do for fun, thanks mostly to imaginations and boundless energy of the Mr. and my brother-in-law, Chuck. A little cuteness from Jax never hurts either!


