Coming off a weekend that makes you want to rise and greet the sun with a smile. Throw your windows open and sing a song to the wildlife outside and have birds chirp their response and perch upon your finger. A Disney type of morning, if you will.

However, as I can attest when I walked into my office a couple weeks and immediately dropped to the ground as a trapped bird swooped down toward my face…I suppose I could do without that part.

Anywho, the weekend was well spent with some date night time, professional makeup for updated headshots {yay!} followed by photographing an event in Minneapolis on Saturday. Garden dabbling and time with friends and family on Sunday to round out a few days to fill the cup before heading back into the work week.

But…if you enjoy what you do…is it really considered ‘work’!?

When Allie’s mom told me what she had in mind for her senior session and asked if I had any ideas on where we could take them, I have to admit that I’m a titch embarrassed that it took me a bit to come up with the obvious location :: our house. Along with her sister and mom, we adventured around our land finding hidden nuggets of light and texture to photograph this gem of a person!!
