Apparently, Monday is more ‘my day’ than Tuesday. I woke up late this morning, tripped on a dog ball after which I narrowly escaped wildly flailing down the stairway. Went to let the dog out and, after getting insanely jealous seeing me give love to buns before her, she accidentally pile-drived me into the wall…and the water dish…resulting in soaking pjs, a watery mess, a freaked out rabbit hiding under a blanket and a laughing dog. I swear to you, she was laughing. To. My. Face.

And that, dear friends, is my life in a nutshell.

In other, more interesting and non-animal-creepiness news, I’m hitting up lots and lots of family love on the blog this week! With Halloween being a mere few days away and Thanksgiving, Mom’s birthday, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve and New Years Day {yes, those are all holidays!} nipping close behind, I’m already filled with excitement to get so much of our own family time in the books! But, more about that later…

Amy emailed me saying that she’s never had a family photo session that she walked away from that she was happy with; either it was no fun, the balance of the images was off, the smiles weren’t there…the list went on and on. I’m always up for a challenge {unless it involves chickens or a hot dog eating contest} and said I would be thrilled to hang out with her family for an afternoon! I met them at her house and we set out to explore the yard, gravely goodness and nearby railroad tracks on an early evening that was so perfectly fall, it was amazing.

A week or two later, I sent Amy her online viewing information and I received this email back:

Tricia~  you have such a gift!  These are the best photos we have ever had taken!  So So So happy!  Love them!  I have tears in my eyes!  Thank you!!!

Reason #4,217 why I love my job.

And warm fuzzies.

{It was so beautifully hazy from the combining nearby. Lack of rain in the fall is okay in my book!}
