She sat calmly, looking straight ahead, offering the occasional smile or laugh as her hair was tugged and pinned to perfection. Focus was key. She wasn’t nervous, as this day had been long awaited by many, no…she was excited, anxious, and so very much in love. The overcast sky offered beautiful light through the room, and with the constant din of ladies chatting and offering words of love and advice, kind smiles and hilarious quips, she smiled, laughed and kept on breathing. Keeping her focus. Thinking of him. Her groom awaited her arrival patiently at the church while the last lipstick was applied, the car door slammed and the house stood quiet.

It was their wedding day at last.

Congrats to the awesomely happy couple!! May their be much love and happiness and many children (and llama’s) in your future together. I’m so happy that you two found each other in this crazy, mixed-up world and I sincerely hope that you thoroughly enjoy to the fullest being nerds together forever.
