Eeekk!! It’s Friday and nearly the beginning of birthday week, the best week of the year!!!

I got told last night that I’m too old to celebrate birthday week and to that particular dude I say ‘doom on you’! You’re never too old for anything {except maybe peeing your pants or eating your boogers…you know, pretty much anything that’s socially acceptable between birth-age 4…!} and I love celebrating!!! Everything!!! Anything!!! Always!!!

Like this family, for example. In truth, these sessions are supposed to be geared for Miss Ava and her tri-month milestones but I can’t resist also celebrating big sister Ellie by snapping a few of just her…also, check out a flashback to Ellie’s 9 month session to see how similar {and so different!!} these two lovely little ladies are at the same stage in life.


Happy weekend, friends!!!
