Yes, it’s finally Friday!

This means the real countdown begins.

For those of you who are lucky enough to be friends with my sister on Facebook know that the countdown has been going on since the date was set in January.

But now it’s really on.

One week from today my parents house will be filled with laughter and tears, giggling girls, makeup brushes and hairspray. Photos will be taken, make no mistake, to capture the moments of the day that will soon become happy memories as my sister truly begins her own family and becomes somebody’s wife. And a very lucky somebody at that. 😉

Could we all be more excited for her? Doubtful.

Can. Not. Wait.

Anywho, that’s next week. This week, we celebrated Casey’s first birthday! Cake and all, Casey was (as usual) just a doll. How one little being holds so much personality is beyond me! Look here, here and here to see Casey’s 12 month journey.

Oh, of course there will be cake! Thanks again to the Ole Café for the delicious, sugary numminess!!

The funny thing was…Casey didn’t like it.

As soon as she touched it, she waved her hands around in a panic trying to get the frosting off her little fingers…but then she tasted it and the cake demolishing commenced!
