The smile on her face radiated from her lips, up her strong cheekbones to her shimmering blue eyes. Everyone who spoke to her that morning turned away smiling. It was positively infectious. Never mind the drizzle outside and the wet mess it was creating. Any dilemma of the day was met with a wave of her hand, a laugh and a grin. Nothing could dampen the excitement for her today.

Calmly and with a quiet smile of his own, he dressed their son in the next room. Buttoned his cute little shirt and snapped on his sweet little tie before turning to finishing touches for himself. Once ready, he walked out the damp asphalt path to await his first glimpse of his soon-to-be-wife. She walked out behind him, he slowly turned around and they both stood there. Facing each other. Ready to begin their new life together. Smiling.
