Wedding days.

Is there anything better?

I submit that there is not.

I am normally not a creature of habit; striving, actually, to be the opposite. However, I find I have a very large exception for wedding weekends. I have a pre-  nightly ritual of battery charging, card formatting, half-loading the Blaze, getting lots of rest and waking up with time to spare. Mr. Nick usually makes a fantastic, high-protein breakfast {as I won’t really be eating again until dinner} and I set out for the last minute double-checks. Packing up my gear for a wedding day brings out all sorts of emotions that seem to bounce around in my heart and soul to their delirious content. Anxiousness that I’m going to get the shot that I want, when I want it. Nervous about whether I’m going to have ideas that rock and know how to execute. Excitement for witnessing such an important day in two peoples’ lives. Frustration; why won’t this zipper work? Where are my extra batteries? Why do I have so much white dog hair on my black pants? Happiness as I remember, with every wedding I prep for, the wave of emotions that poured over me on our wedding day. Energy as I throw down my eleventh cup of coffee and slam the Blaze into drive. Trepidation as I pull into the location, second guessing my skills, my timing and the address I punched into Martha, my loud-talking English GPS. Easiness as I settle in behind my camera and all the thoughts and cares of the day dissipate into thin air.


I love my job.
