
my favorite…a contest…

Adventures, the business April 22, 2011 7 Comments

Unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts, unts…. (that’s my sweet dance celebratory music) I feel like I’m bursting at the seams. I feel like I could walk around outside my skin, busting forth, running and jumping with excitement and energy (but I won’t cause that’d be kinda awkward…and yuck what would hold…


Pura Vida

Adventures April 4, 2011 4 Comments

Aahhhhh…Costa Rica how I adored you. What, with your blue sky, warm ocean, and sandy beaches…what’s not to love?! I’ll let the photos do the talking on this one… 😉 Ah!! The elusive electric tree…


Adventures in…house-sitting

Adventures, Just me., little ones, preggers February 22, 2011 9 Comments

I love to house-sit. Pet-sit. Kid-sit…which oddly enough, no matter the age of the child, is called babysitting, but that’s neither here nor there. Truth is, house-sitting is right up there with the first ice cream cone of the summer or finding that perfect pair of shoes, on sale, 90% off. House-sitting is, essentially, trying on someone else’s life for…


Sunday Funday 3.0…always an adventure

Adventures, Just me. December 30, 2010 2 Comments

Nearing the end of the year, most blogs (i.e. the 20 or so that I stalk on a regular to semi-regular basis) are filled with party tips, year-end favorites, quotes and great touching stories about being thankful for a great year and looking hopeful in the year to come. Since they are covering all those bases…I’ll cover Sunday Funday. Oooo,…


Adventures in Minnesota living

Adventures, Just me. December 12, 2010 2 Comments

To think a week ago yesterday this was what I was looking at… I started Friday of my Super Holiday Weekend with a fondue night with the ladies, some of which I haven’t seen since high school! We had a great time reminising, catching up and hanging out! Being smart, I decided to leave at midnight to try to make…
