family love

Audra, Jason & Lillie

bigger little ones, family love December 22, 2011 No Comments

It may have been…a little too chilly out (seriously, if our winter turns out to be as pathetic as our fall…ugh. I will be one un-happy camper.), but we put on a brave face anyway–or at least a smiling, laughing face! Lillie is such a cutie and had us all chasing after her, running with her and just generally having…


sunny days

family love November 17, 2011 No Comments

Mike and Mollie were able to move into their new house this past year, so we decided to use it as a backdrop for majority of our session (what a cute country house, right!?). Keegen’s facial expressions were top notch (like how he was trying so hard not to smile? Too cute!!) and Ella’s dimples…oooooo, Ella’s dimples. What an adorable…


i {heart} family

family love November 15, 2011 No Comments

It was a crazy, busy fall and I’m still booed about the small amount of time we had to enjoy the fall colors before the wind and rain took them all away. {Insert unhappy face with rolling eyeballs.} Anywho, my couples/families/kids/puppies are awesome and made the best of it! I suggest to families to wear meshing, not matching, outfits and…
