For real. Was there ever a cuter family?! Perhaps I think that about all my clients, but what can I say?! They know how to bring the goods. And this family? This family has ‘the goods’ in spades…big smiles, sweet personalities, loads of energy and good, honest, beautiful family love. And that’s what it really is all about anyway.
Well, not really a tale so much as a ‘hurry up, it’s so flippin’ cold out here, let’s move our tushy’s and go out so we can get back inside…oh, yeah, don’t forget to SMILE’!! 🙂 Woah, baby, it was frigid this day! Both Kinsley and Kennedy didn’t seem to notice or mind {for the first four minutes, anyway} while…
Love, love, LOVE when families get together for the sole purpose of hanging out and freezing time for a hot minute! This session was from about this time last year, but it doesn’t make it any less precious…in fact, it almost cements how important photographs are as these littles get bigger SO darn quick!
Don’t worry. That snow isn’t real. Let’s rewind. Of course it’s real. It’s just not from this winter. Yeah, I’m still rocking the catch up game. You’re welcome. Come, let’s wonder down memory lane for a moment. It’ll be fun. We had to get outside for a just a couple snaps of Mr. Finn’s 1 year session last winter; don’t…
Anybody else ready for snow or just me?! Okay, I’m not really ready either. After spending a week in sunny California to photograph a good friends’ wedding, coming home to brisk high-40s has been a bit of a challenge. Need to get my thick skin going, you know? You know. Even still, the fellow and I smartly pre-purchased crazy discounted…