In this case, the egg came before the chicken.

And now I’m grossed out because chickens actually made it into my blog post.


But that’s another story.

Can you believe that these were taken in {glup} July and my super-behind-behind is just posting them now?! Forgive me Chels… 😉 Baby Jax is now over a month and a half old!!! Aren’t they beautiful, though? She had such a pregnant glow and is an absolute natural behind the camera…Too bad baby Jax doesn’t share this talent with Auntie {basically, he cries when the camera comes out. No worries, though…he helps me with my skills in the art of baby-whispering-look-like-you-are-sleepy-baby shots. Who knew?}

This shot…turned out just how I wanted it to. Love. It. To. Pieces.

And to think our ‘studio’ was a garage. See–magic can happen when you have the will and a way…and previsualization.
