Ahhhhh, Saturdays. The day of pajamas, laundry, quietness, light cleaning, leisure reading and bucket loads of coffee. Saturdays give me a feeling of motivated laziness that I thoroughly enjoy without the constant noise of the tv or radio. I’m content to be drawn into the pages of my current book to the sounds of the clothes dryer or the dishwasher. The creaks of an old house. The wind rustling the bare branches outside my window…

Farm and country kids will probably always have hold of a special place in my heart, considering how much I loved my childhood. We may not have had horses {well, for long, anyway}, cows or other animals, but we certainly made up for it with fresh air, tree houses, 4-wheelers and, well, space. I’d take a green parcel of grass and field over a city-neighbor, any day! And Chris and Amanda have about the prettiest patch of land…dotted with horses, pigs and my new favorite, Scottish Highland Cattle. We will most likely have two of these bad boys roaming the grounds of our real house someday!
