Where to begin?!

Photographing Devon and her family is about the same as photographing my sister and my family. Her parents are like my second parents; her sister, my sister. Plus, Devon is super cool and since we’ve already established that I’m only related to super cool people, she’s pretty much gold. 😉

Oh, did I mention that Dev is an all-star gymnast? She’s on the F-M Acro Team…which is pretty amazing. I’ve seen her perform a few times and everytime I’m in absolute awe at the sheer talent these ladies (and one dude) have!

A little family lovin’

Okay, check out Moe (the little brown pup) and how extremely happy he looks in this photo! I think I’ve checked out this particular image over 16 times just to laugh at his little puppy face…

Okay, bear with me. This didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted to, but I still thought it was cool enough to throw all up on the blogity. Thoughts?

Playing with light! 🙂
