Happy Halloween!!!

In light of how clowns, chickens, masks and most things Halloween freak the pants off of me {except for darling trick-or-treaters which I am so excited for tonight!! Do you think the 863 pieces of candy that I just counted out by hand will be enough for the 17 kids who will venture to our house? And for Mr. Nick to continuously kipe throughout the night? Hmmmm…better get a few more bags, just in case.}, I will  post the exact opposite of what a Halloween post should be. No gore, painted faces, spooks or pumpkins here. The antithesis, if you will.

Beautiful, funny, sweet, talkative, creative {non-scary} Gabrielle.

This senior session had me oozing love during the shoot and I was about beside myself when I started editing at home. As you can tell from my body of work, I prefer natural light and very simple touch-ups with the overall outcome of the subject looking more like themselves than a magazine ad. This approach isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay, cause it suites me perfectly.

And, obviously, it suites Gabrielle.

