2012…what to say about such a turning-point-year in my life.

It was the year I rang in on a rooftop in the snow. The year that began with bridal showers and final wedding preparations. The year I lost my first cousin. The year I married the mate of my soul and gained a wonderful extended family. The year I tried SCUBA diving and fell in love with sushi. The year I witnessed two of our best friends get married. The year I said goodbye to fantastic co-workers and struck out in my business full time. The year we lost a semi and nearly lost my dad. The year I grew even closer with my family. The year I took three boys camping by myself and learned about tenting, patience and paddling a rowboat. The year I got to smother my brother in a pool of pudding with the help of my sister and so many friends and family. It was the year of weekends filled with weddings, boating and beautiful summer days. The year I figured out how to grow far too many tomatoes and, subsequently, the year I learned to can. The year of family and travels. The year we co-purchased a Jeep and made some serious fun out of it. The year we learned our pup-pup loves snow. The year we made over 30 dozen cookies. The year I found out I am to be an aunt {yet again!}. The year I became a ‘we’ instead of a ‘me’ and the year of making plans for our family {Mr. Nick, myself, Norah-the-dog and our bunny rabbit, Buns}.

A fabulous, tumultuous, wonderful, eventful, hilarious, scary, saddening, reflective year.

Cheers to you, 2012.

{SCUBA diving in St. Croix on our honeymoon}

{Calie and Pierce’s wedding!!}

{Camping with my boys!}

{The ridiculousness that was our garden}

{Happy dirty 30-1/2, brother!}

{Christening the new Peterbilt!}

{great summer for boating}

{Happy birthday Uncle Mr. Nick!}

{my crazy west coast family!}

{Good times in the Jeep}


{5th annual cookie bake}

{Tee, hee…!}

{Our Christmas card this year!}
