{My first photograph ever taken on my ‘own’ camera. Thanks Uncle Genie for getting me started!!}

She really never cared what my ideas were; she was almost always game for anything. Treasure hunts, picnics on the the roof, walks on the mower path, endless games of Barbies…she was in. By the time I got to Middle School, there seemed to be less time for playing and more time for friends, but I suppose that’s how these sort of things go. However, I did think up a new game after coming home from my Great Uncles house after one of his many garage sales with, what I thought to be, the best find of my life. An old turquoise shoot-and-wind Vivitar. It was clunky, large and just a little scratched, but it suited me just fine. I remember rushing home and running up the stairs to scout out my first location. She followed with her little Green Giant (which she had newly purchased at the garage sale as well) and sat where I placed her, right in the light of the window, angled perfectly toward the camera. I pushed down the black button on that old Vivitar and froze this moment of time, this figment of our lives, this beginning of my craft.

And she’s been there ever since.

On this beautiful, uncharacteristically warm sunny Minnesota March morning, I wish my favorite sister a very happy birthday. The years have gone quickly and I find myself often wondering about you in amazement of what you have accomplished so far in this life and wonder what else you will do. We escalated quickly from Barbies to phone calls at college to parties at college {whoops, sorry mom!}, to boyfriends who sucked weren’t right to boyfriends who turned into husbands. Through girls nights and moving days, shopping trips, vacations, random texts, nights out and days in, we’ve grown so close and I’m ever thankful to have a sister who is also one of my best friends. I’m so very lucky to have you in my life,  and I wish you all the very, very best on your St. Patty’s Day birthday.

May you live a long life
Full of gladness and health
With a pocket full of gold
As the least of your wealth
May the dreams you hold dearest
Be those which come true
May the kindness you spread,
Keep returning to you.

Happy birthday, Cletus!
