Oh, Britani Dawn

What’s that flower you have on

<whistling tune>

Our Papa used to sing this little tune to her nearly every time he saw her. He’s start slow and quietly, then work into his strong bravado and eventually switch over into a whistle. Because he could do that. Whistling was almost second nature. He made up little tunes alot, but this one was one that stuck with me. I didn’t understand him talking about a flower being on until I came across an infomercial when I was 12ish and heard the song ‘Delta Dawn’ for the first time. Interesting fellow.


But now, this little young lady is all growed up. I can’t believe Britani is already a senior in high school. My cousins keep getting older, what is this nonsense?! 😉 Brit–I’m so excited for you to move out into the world and really show your stuff. You’ve got an inner strength that I sincerely admire and I hope you never forget that you can do anything, anything, your heart desires. Love you!

This one is my favorite…
