Last, but never ever the least, would be darling, sweet lady Mic. This girl started out in front of my camera many years ago when I was in photography school. I’d pull her aside or have her mom drive her somewhere so I could test out new theories or just play around. She was always game to be in front…
Because this kid is just so darn YES, we got to do two sessions together!!! Capturing life in the country, gravel roads and all.
Just a couple more glorious seniors left to round out 2022!! Shelby’s fall inspired session took place on one heck of a humid day, but it didn’t bother her one little bit as we chatted and laughed, posed and danced among the brilliant autumn backdrop.
Such a positively awesome crew of seniors this year! Each year brings something new to the table and Seth was no exception. Cow calling, hay bale leaping and -with the help of the hilarious peanut gallery behind the scenes- we even got some genuine real smiles!!
It’s June and that means that alllll the graduates are hitting the streets looking for the best summer possible between the grind of senior year and the leap into the wild and fantastic great unknown. Futures are neat that way. Hats off to all the grads!!! And since his lovely girlfriend was around, we couldn’t resist a few shots of…