Wheeeee! The sun is shining and even though I can’t hear the birds chirping over the sound of the howling wind and the creaking of our old house…I know they’re there! It feels like ages since the sun has made an appearance and it feels so good to have it streaming in the window, brightening up the place.

I can’t believe it’s already Thursday!! The long Memorial Day weekend has be all mixed up in my days of the week, it’s nuts. However, I’m very much looking forward to a beautiful wedding tomorrow and a celebration of a good friend on Saturday, so bring on the weekend!!

This session with one-year-old Taylor was so sweet–what’s not to love with that little tongue hanging out and those killer boots and all the outfits!! Oh, goodness, how Shannon and I joked about how she probably had more clothes than the both of us! Just a heart stealer…that’s for certain…
