Oh, what a beautiful summer weekend we all just experienced! Some boating, great friends, fun family and way too much delicious food and frosty beverages really made for a relaxing {yet…tiring?} couple of days. I’m still not quite sure why vacations seem to make me even more wore out and sleepy when I get home, but it’s so worth it in the long run!! 🙂 Being the fabulous professional photographer that I am {ha!}, I only brought a Kodak quick-snap camera and my trusty 35mm Nikon, so…I’ll have to share summer images in the months to come when I send all my film in to get scanned {eekkk! Film is like the gift that just keeps on giving…}

In other news, I have a sweet new neice who was born last Tuesday! I’ll have much to blog about that in the coming weeks, no worries. For now, leave you with this little cutie during her 6/7-month session of the Sweet Baby Program. It’s so fun to get together with Teagan, Jenny & Shawn every three months and I can’t wait for our next session toward the end of summer! Where does the time go…
