This weekend was one of those that left me with all sorts of warm fuzzies inside. The fellow surprised me on Friday by coming home with season two of our new favorite show, Dexter, and I was all yessssssssscouchtime {it’s the little things, right?!}. Friday was the perfect wrap up to an awesome week, so couch time it was! Finalized a few sessions Saturday morning and spent the afternoon pulling out the crusty garden death jungle {otherwise know as my dead tomato plants} and raking our lawn. Let me say this right now :: I love outside house chores. It. Was. Awesome. I like raking and mowing and pulling and wheelbarrowing and burning leaves and moving and enjoying the sunshine. I hate laundry and vacuuming. Weird? I’m not sure.

Throw in some much-needed sister and cousin bonding time, more lawn work and The Mentalist {yesssssss….} my weekend was fantabulously relaxing and hard on the abs. Just the way I like it.


This newborn session of Tristan may be one of my most favorite sessions to date. Nora and Shawn are so sweet for each other and could not stop smiling at each other or their little guy. The gentle way that Shawn holds Nora in his eyes while holding their son in his hands…I’m in love with the natural easiness of the three of them, hanging out, loving their new life as a family…

{And, yes, Nora made this sweet owl mobile…out of socks.}

{and these burp rags, too…}

{hair just like daddy’s!}

{my absolute fav…}
