I love weekend like this past one! Nothing like blue skies and sunny weather to get you in the mood to do stuff and be productive. Moving is rough and incredibly time consuming and if anyone says differently, please, tell me your secret! 🙂 As an incredibly sweet wedding gift, one of our bridesmaids completely created my office while we were gone on our honeymoon (yes, I will post about the wedding, honeymoon and beautiful office sometime in the future!!) and it has been such an amazing gift to be able to grab a cup of coffee and slink away to the only room in the house void of boxes and clutter and get work done!!

Miss Kenley is in my Sweet Baby Program (check out her maternity, newborn, 3-month and 6-month images–hasn’t she grown into such a love!!) and will be ‘graduating’ later next month after her 1-year shoot–I’m so sad!! She’s such a sweetie and her parents are the best, and that puppy…ugh, I’m going to miss them all! But it’s been a great year and I’m so happy that I have a job that lets me capture such beautiful memories and milestones.
