Welcome back, friends! Remember that one time over 15 months ago when my awesome website host didn’t backup any of their hosting {insert super smart web lingo -here-} and both my blog and website crashed?! And I lost eight freaking years worth of portfolio images?!

Yeah. I remember. Like it was YESTERDAY.

Anywho, I’m back. It’s taken me a loonnnggg time to drag myself back to the keyboard to get down with the QWERTY action, but I’m doing it. Since that time, we’ve finished building our house, traveled on killer full-family vacations with both our sides, started work on the studio space, burned down our old house {on purpose and with supervision, thankyouverymuch} and have been firing on all cylinders on the homefront.

On the work front, I’ve got big studio plans. The blog is back LIVE, the Facebook account is being updated and the website is in motion to be a real thing. Like a real business. Once again. The Phoenix, if you will.

Thank you for your patience and for your support in my endeavors, as slow as they may be. I’m here and I love you!

So, let’s get back to the reason we’re here–the eye candy! What better way to announce that things are starting to crank again, than by bragging about my amazing 92-year-old Grandmother. She’s the one who cultivated in me a love for working with my hands; be it sewing or gardening or labor. Except cleaning, vacuuming, dusting…wow, did she miss the mark on those subjects. 😉

My Grandma is one of my favorite people as she always seems to find a silver lining even in the darkest of circumstances. Always ready with a smile and a hug, a story or a cookie {or both}, a listening ear. And thanks to her and my Grandpa, we have this sweet bunch of Little-Greats to continue living out their legacy.
