bigger little ones, Boudoir, engagements, family love, Just me., little ones, portraits, preggers, Seniors!!, sweet baby program, the business, wedding 119. 119 times last year, I zipped up my camera bag and stuffed my Shootsac. 119 times, I checked my batteries, formatted my cards, cleaned my lenses, searched for inspiration. 119 times, I made connections. I made babies laugh {and cry!}, parents cuddle their children, lovers embrace, grown adults play like children again. For one hundred and nineteen times this…
Oh, yeah…it’s on… It’s my first ever boudoir marathon and I’m PSYCHED! There are still a few spots left, so secure your time as soon as possible by emailing me. The marathon will take place on Saturday, April 28, at the gorgeous Graves | 601 Hotel in downtown Minneapolis — SO awesome! What’s involved in this fabulous session? • 1…