
Engaged: Mark & Becky

engagements July 14, 2010 No Comments

The night was perfect; low humidity, bright sky, setting sun, rustic cabin. It made absolute sense to take photos at the family cabin considering that Mark had proposed to Becky on the roof there, overlooking the lake, just at sunset. Sigh. Some fellows are so romantic. 😉 Mark and Becky: I had a fun time tromping around the property, through…


Edwin & Shelby: engaged!

engagements July 7, 2010 2 Comments

They met through mutual friends at a bachelor/bachelorette party. Although they caught each other’s eyes, things progressed slowly. Shelby explained the details laughingly, with gusto, while Edwin looked on, smiling to himself. When she was done spinning their tale, he looked at me, let out a little chuckle and simply said, ‘She wanted me.’ I’ve known both Edwin and Shelby for…


Engagement: Tawna and Charlie

engagements June 25, 2010 2 Comments

These days, I’m consumed with planning. Planning my next shoot, planning what I’m going to accomplish that day, planning my schedule (making enough room in there to plan, of course). Honestly. I make plans to plan. Pathetic, right?! I get an over-the-top sense of accomplishment and lifted weights when I get to pick one of my multi-colored Sharpie’s and check…


Engagement: Bryan & Angie

engagements June 24, 2010 3 Comments

I’m a presentation person. I like gifts with pretty wrappings tied up with bows, plated dinners, and out-of-the-box fonts. I enjoy effort, thought, details and emotions. Which was why Bryan’s proposal to Angie was like a little piece of sugared mint on my crème brulee day. He faked it. Her first day off in while and he faked being sick….
