Summer is in full swing and I can’t believe how fast time has been flying by! I’ve been working on some projects these past few weeks which have really occupied a serious chunk of my time, but things finally seem to be coming together thus allowing me time to FINALLY catch up on my blogging!

Which brings me to my next point: how do you like the new blog?!

Clean, simple and totally fresh, I’m in love with the new format. As usual, please feel free to drop me a line or two in the comment box, peruse through the archives, bounce over to my website to take a gander or even flashback to my old blog for a look of days gone by. I hope to update so much in the coming weeks as I have an insane overstock of sessions that are just begging to be shared! So…just to tease you a bit more, here’s a small taste of what is to come…

A sweet little shoot of baby Bensen, only 10 days old…

…waterbaby Ian…

….soon-to-be-mommy, Laura…

…and newborn baby Lincoln…

…the entire Pryor crew…

…Bryan and Angie’s hilarious engagement…

…and Tawna and Charlie’s long-awaited-to-be-posted engagements!

Plus, a little Q and A with my FABULOUS logo designer (fabulous meaning both my new logo and my designer!) Amber Mabe!!

Lots of new things to come, so stay tuned!!!
