Plastering the campus with signs looking for a roommate seemed like the best idea at the time…and, in reality looking back, it was. I met some of the best people during my college career by offering up living space–at one time, we had 10 people in a 4-bedroom apartment {ah, the days of cheaper-than-dirt rent}. Our apartment may have been…
Getting back on the happier side of life…and what could be better than a smiling baby!? Or, rather, a todler now! 🙂 Marcus was such a sweetie to visit with every three months {as were his parents and brother!}. He has the most expressive faces and an infectious smile…what a cutie!!! He may have had a little bit of help…
Yes, yes, I know…still working on my homemade Christmas post, but it’s tough getting photos together sometimes, ya know!? 🙂 Here’s a gem of a Sweet Baby Program graduate this past fall. Aubrey Lynn was such a treat to see every three months; it really makes my year fly by when I mark it by ‘my’ babies!! Always full of…
bigger little ones, Boudoir, engagements, family love, Just me., little ones, portraits, preggers, Seniors!!, sweet baby program, the business, wedding 119. 119 times last year, I zipped up my camera bag and stuffed my Shootsac. 119 times, I checked my batteries, formatted my cards, cleaned my lenses, searched for inspiration. 119 times, I made connections. I made babies laugh {and cry!}, parents cuddle their children, lovers embrace, grown adults play like children again. For one hundred and nineteen times this…
Yeah, baby! I photographed Angelique and Andrew’s wedding in October 2011 and wasso thrilled to hear they were expecting this fall!! Love watching love happen and grow into families! Little Vaughn was a mere 22 days old when we were able to finally connect {schedules, I tell ya!} and capture these few precious moments together. {Love when dads take over!!}…