Happy Monday!!

What a beautiful and awesome weekend…the rain held out for some beautiful images of Jill and Rick’s funtabulous wedding and I got to hang out with Mr. Nick for a solid few days. Yay for love!

This week is going to be a busy, busy one and I’m getting enough posts stocked up to nearly be posting every day this month!!

I get asked, fairly often, about what my favorite type of photography is and I always seem to get stuck on this question. When I’m at a wedding, weddings are my favorite. When I’m on-site for an engagement session, engagements are my favorite. When I’m rolling around in the grass laughing with little kids, kids are my favorite. Basically, when it comes down to it, I love the love that takes place during my sessions–and that’s my favorite thing to photograph. The love between newlyweds, the love at looking to a new future together, the love a child has for his mother. Deep in my heart, to the bottom of my soul, my favorite thing is love.

Little Marcus has grown up so fast this year, right before my eyes, and I can’t believe his mom and I are discussing his 1-year cake smash to take place in less than a month! What a little cutie…!
