I sit here in front of my computer in a bit of a funk. Sometime last week, I sank into this blah state of mind which I am confident is responsible for the series of unfortunate events that have taken place in the past few days. Generally, I believe in positive thinking and a good attitude in hopes that God’s will, fate and karma will cast a glowing, warm-fuzzy, favorable-type of light on me. Yet, for reasons unknown, I’ve been stuck in this…ill, blerg, argh, harump mindset and am doing whatever I can to get the hell out of it. To say the last few days have been not my favorite…will probably be the understatement of my year. I’m not going to go into a crazy, ‘poor me and my sad situations’ pathetic rant as it’s not my style and, frankly, the exact opposite of what I’m trying to achieve here. However, I will tell you that my crappy last few days culminated yesterday morning on our way to church. Cruising down a gravel road, I hit some ice which immediately resulted in a fabulous 180 and ultimately ended when I parked my blaze backward into a telephone pole. Hard. The fellow and I walked away sore, bewildered and a bit dazed, but otherwise unharmed. All the camera gear in back remained in tact, too. Bonus, I suppose.

So, tonight I’m taking a break from life. Tax prep can wait. The laundry, I’m sure, will hold until tomorrow. Our dishes will most likely remain dirty, too. The rest of my night will plump full of sorting socks {I like sorting socks?}, hot tea, warm wraps for our sore necks, puppy cuddle time and just being unplugged. Together. And trying to get back on the happy side of life.

Taking a page from our Pup’s book, it’s cozy time.
