family love

Bennett :: 1 year!

bigger little ones, family love May 13, 2013 1 Comment

What a beyond excellent weekend, wouldn’t you agree? Well, aside from the weather being a bone-chilling arctic letdown, it was pretty stellar. I thoroughly try to pack as much in one weekend as humanly possible as it’s usually the only time the Mr. and I get uninterrupted face time without the barrier of my computer screen or his iPhone {dude…


Homemade Christmas…in April

family love, Just me. April 4, 2013 3 Comments

Oh, hello April. You snuck up on me this year…! After spending the past three out of four weeks hotel jumping and vacationing with family, I’ve been left with a bit of a bewildered feeling of un-settlement with a touch of restlessness. No big deal that I’ll be leaving for a week come Monday either. Yikes. I’m left with a…
