119. 119 times last year, I zipped up my camera bag and stuffed my Shootsac. 119 times, I checked my batteries, formatted my cards, cleaned my lenses, searched for inspiration. 119 times, I made connections. I made babies laugh {and cry!}, parents cuddle their children, lovers embrace, grown adults play like children again. For one hundred and nineteen times this…
bigger little ones, Boudoir, engagements, family love, Just me., little ones, portraits, preggers, Seniors!!, sweet baby program, the business, wedding2012…what to say about such a turning-point-year in my life. It was the year I rang in on a rooftop in the snow. The year that began with bridal showers and final wedding preparations. The year I lost my first cousin. The year I married the mate of my soul and gained a wonderful extended family. The year I tried…
Wedding days. Is there anything better? I submit that there is not. I am normally not a creature of habit; striving, actually, to be the opposite. However, I find I have a very large exception for wedding weekends. I have a pre-Â nightly ritual of battery charging, card formatting, half-loading the Blaze, getting lots of rest and waking up with…
And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need a caretaker.” So God made a farmer. God said, “I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the field, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the…
Yay–oh, happy day–I’m so honored to have been featured on the Landlocked Bride wedding blog!! This blog, run by Brit Tucker Stewart, is an absolute inspiration to anyone planning a wedding in the midwest. Chock full of ideas ranging from rustic to country chic to simple to elaborate…there’s something here for everyone. Oh, and the eye candy!! You blog stalkers…